Amazon Gets Serious About Dash Buttons

Amazon is really trying to make this Dash Button thing happen. The Web retail giant on Wednesday launched the "next phase" of the program, which will provide Prime members with free buttons.

For the uninitiated, Amazon on March 31 introduced Dash Buttons, which let you re-order things you always use—like paper towels, laundry detergent, coffee, and water—with a simple press. While some initially thought it was an April Fools' Joke, Amazon is serious about the idea and said today that the response from customers and partners has been "overwhelmingly positive."

The program was initially an invite-only affair, but Amazon opened it up to all Prime members in late July, selling each Dash Button for $4.99. But to encourage more people to try them out, Amazon has kicked off a new pricing offer which basically makes the buttons free. Prime members will have to initially pony up $4.99 for each Dash Button, but Amazon will give you the fiver back after your first button purchase.

The company is also launching 11 new brands for the Dash Button with new product categories like gum, trash bags, and nutritional supplements. The list of new brands includes Ice Breakers Mints, Orbit Gum, GREENIES Dental Chews and GREENIES Pill Pockets Treats, Hefty Trash and Storage Bags, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day, Ziploc, Depend, Finish Dishwashing Detergent, Digestive Advantage Probiotic Supplements, Dixie tableware products, and Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100 percent Whey Protein.

With these new additions, the Dash Button is available for 29 different brands covering more than 500 products you might want to purchase with the press of a button.

"I like how easy it is to order commonly used items quickly. In my case, baby wipes," one customer said, according to Amazon. "When I notice I am getting low on the wipes I can very easily and quickly order more by simply pushing a button. A simple push button is much easier to operate than getting the computer or phone out, especially when holding a baby in the other hand."

To ensure that your pet or child does not accidentally order you thousands of boxes of Huggies, you'll get an alert on your phone to confirm purchases. You also can't order another until the first order is delivered.

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